
Sponsor Profile: Pas de chance

Pas de chance

Who are you? My name is Ian Phillips and I operate a small press called Pas de chance.

Where are you located? I am located in SoDa (South Davenport), not far from The Great Hall.

What do you/your business/your product do? I publish small hand made artist books with a literary leaning.
Pas de chance

What gets you pumped about doing what you do? Good writing really turns me on, and beautiful paper. A blank sheet of paper with an interesting SOUND will really get me going. I could make a whole book of noisy paper.

What does your sponsorship for the show entail? I have loaned City of Craft, along with rcboisjoli, the Nutzo! plinko game board we made for Come Up To My Room. I also have some books to donate for the gift bags.

Pas de chance
What are you crafting this holiday season (festive beverages & baked goods count)? This year I am assisting rcboisjoli with an amazing new line of ceramic vessels. That man is so talented.

When City of Craft (and other awesome indie shows) is not on, where do you go for your crafty fix? When I'm not scouring the beaches of Toronto for bits of flotsam I am often spotted at The Paper Place, drooling over their sample binders.

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